Saturday, April 20, 2019

Day 9 - Last Day in Guizhou & On To Guangzhou (Friday)

Day 9 - Last Day in Guizhou & On To Guangzhou (Friday)

We all slept well again and finished with a delicious final breakfast in Guiyang!  The girls wanted to swing by the gym one last time and workout/play :) Jonathan enjoyed getting to know the gym worker (Jie) a bit more and had one more chance to share Truth on Good Friday :)

In many ways it was a fitting day (Good Friday) to leave Guiyang as the departure is a necessary step to a new sort of life for Mia to join her forever family.  Just as Jesus died to provide us life through His resurrection, and calls us in Christianity to die to ourselves to find life and unity with Him forever, there are some similarities with adoption.  There is a separation/death from an old life and a resurrection/life that is found in a forever family.  Mia is a smart girl and though quiet, she is obviously processing and grieving real loss of her foster family, friends, and cultural environment.  At the same time her endless smiles and giggles show she is already experiencing the joy of her new life with her forever family...we just can’t wait for her to meet Lydia & Ali as well as the rest of her family and friends.

Mia really loves Chinese food so that change alone is tough.  We’ve had lots of noodles for most every meal lol.  We experimented with some instant noodles (Ramen) for a quick lunch and she loved it!  After a few hotel room games we grabbed our bags and headed to the lobby to head to the airport.

China has some nice, modern airports that are pretty navigable for English speakers!  We arrived at Guiyang’s airport over three hours early and relaxed by our gate only to discover our flight was indefinitely delayed due to weather in Guangzhou, our destination.  We ended up boarding about 45 minutes late and had a smooth 1.5hour flight to Guangzhou.  Mid flight we had a unique chicken sandwich, made with sticky-rice for the buns...maybe that’s what Chick-Fil-A needs to branch into China’s market! All four of us enjoyed the tasty snack! 

We arrived in Guangzhou and had no problem getting our luggage and finding our new guide, Helen.  She sweetly connected us with a speedy driver and had an adventurous one hour drive to the China Hotel.  Once we arrived we quickly got settled into our room and Jonathan went across the hotels driveway to find some delectable McDonalds and MACROONS!  After filling our bellies we enjoyed watching some Chinese TV (“World’s Got Talent”) with Mia :) a great finish to Good Friday. 

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