We are adopting again!!! Currently, we have been pre-approved to adopt a beautiful 11 year old girl from China, who will be joining our family hopefully around the Spring of 2019!
We wanted to share a small bit of our adoption journey with you:
Our Adoption Journey: Back in 2006, we felt we were ready to begin a family we never knew it would take us 3 years. After being in and out of doctor’s offices and each month coming up not pregnant, we began discussing the possibility of adoption. Having watched several families in our community and circle of friends adopt, we knew what an amazing gift adoption is to both the forever family and the adopted child.
Our Adoption Commitment:We made a commitment that whether or not God chose to bless us with a child biologically, we would choose to help a child in need of a family and make them a part of ours! After we prayerfully turned over the stress and worry of not getting pregnant to Jesus, we became pregnant. God blessed us with two amazing biological daughters, but we never forgot our adoption promise to God!
Our First Adoption: Over four years ago we had the joy of following through with our commitment to God and welcomed Alia Joy into our family when she was 2.5 years old. The journey to adoption was full of its own unique challenges, but we received so much encouragement and support along the way. During this season, Jesus clearly showed His powerful hand and affirmation in many ways. Alia is such a gift from God. Her personality is sweet, fun, and joy-filled. She is a resilient, intelligent and hard working young-lady, who has endured 10 surgeries in her time with us. Although she likely has many more surgeries ahead, Jesus has carried us through so much already that we are confident in Him for whatever lies ahead.
Our Next Blessing: The blessings we have received from God through our first adoption have shown us God’s clear will for us to adopt again. In our second adoption process God gave us a heart for a particular young lady in China. Our new 11 year old daughter has been looking for and praying for a forever family for a long time. All of the pictures and descriptions we have of her show her to be joy filled with an ever-present smile. We know God has connected her to our family for a lifetime of blessings for both us and her. We are in love with her! We are thrilled and excited for the future with our future daughter 🙂
For More Updates on our adoption and for ways to help, check out this webpage from Lifesong: https://mystory.lifesongfororphans.org/stories/the-carls-adopt-again/